Watch Preface to a History Online

watch Preface to a History
Preface to a History

Preface to a History Online

  • Genres: Drama
  • Release Date: 03/10/2024
  • Duration : 1 hour
  • Director: Willa Ross, Devan Scott
  • Production: Sad Hill Media, Moving Image Agency
  • Country: Canada


A couple, Vlad and Sophy, navigate their relationship as well as their own struggles with mental health in the context of a highly connected, politically uncertain modern world while on a trip to a remote Canadian island in this avant-garde feature film. PREFACE TO A HISTORY, created with a tiny crew of four people, represents an experiment in using minimalist tools to create an overwhelming aesthetic experience in service of a simple, but specifically contemporary, story about two people attempting to navigate a fraying relationship amid all the anxieties and external pressures of modern adulthood in a technologically-interconnected and politically unstable era.