Watch What Remains - An Obituary on Wilhelmine and Bernard Online

watch What Remains - An Obituary on Wilhelmine and Bernard
What Remains - An Obituary on Wilhelmine and Bernard

What Remains - An Obituary on Wilhelmine and Bernard Online

  • Genres: Documentary
  • Release Date: 28/04/2019
  • Duration : 38 minutes
  • Director: Judith Schein
  • Country: Germany


The director’s grandparents Wilhelmine, an Austrian Catholic, and Bernard, a Jewish Czechoslovakian communist, have always been part of her life, although she never met them in person. Her uncle Hermann lives in what was once their house, with their furniture, Marx and Lenin busts, Hanukkah lamp, countless photos, letters and oil paintings. Through the film Judith Schein asks whether it is possible for a house and its interiors to narrate History.
